破地獄 Scattered Purgatory - 稗海遺考 Lost Ethnography of the Miscanthus Ocean (LG005 CD)
Re-released 3/28/16.
Scattered Purgatory 破地獄 play music for the scene in Alejandro Jodorowsky’s psychedelic western El Topo where the protagonist gets trapped in some sort of Buddhist hell, meditating for years in a dark cave as his hair turns white. It’s as if a 1950s Taiwanese crooner enlisted Popol Vuh for a Taoist ritual, melding guitars, bass, synthesizers, and trumpets into steady, patient marches and drones that suddenly burst into thunder.
亞歷山卓·尤杜洛斯基的迷幻西部片經典之作《鼴鼠》中,主角身陷某種佛教地獄,在黑暗的洞穴裡沉思多年直到滿頭白髮,破地獄演奏出的音樂宛如這般場景。想像一下,一名來自台灣 50 年代的男低音奉請 Popol Vuh 辦一場道教儀式,操吉他、貝斯、合成器及小喇叭建醮,最後迎來成一整片連綿到天邊的雷聲,破地獄大概就是那樣。
1. 破城入山 Ramming the town Roaming the mountain
2. 太白金星 Thee Ancestral Glistening Tai-Bai
3. 目犍連 Maudgalyayana
4. 南市巷說 Uttering Among the Southern Lanes
5. 魂轎 Limbo Litter
6. 雲生 Cloudborn
Li-Yang Lu : Bass, Guitar, Chant, Percussion
Jia-Chi Lu : Guitar, Accoustic Guitar, Percussion
Hao-Buo Luo : Synthesizer, Gadget, Programming
Zhe-Shi Zhou : Percussion & Drum on #5 & #6
Animal Huang : Saxophone on #6
Recorded and mixed by Alex Ives, Soundkiss Studio
Remastered by Jon Du
Artwork by Feng b.