Simon Frank - Humid Music (LG007 Cassette)
Released 7/8/17
Humid Music is a new cassette album by Taipei-based Canadian artist Simon Frank. Using repetition to both hypnotic and jarring effect, Humid Music has one foot in the traditions of post punk electronic songwriting, and the other in more abstract territory, sampled percussion and synthetic blocks of sound arranged against the grain of musical logic. Vocals are key to Simon’s sound, swirling mantras reflecting confrontation with the self and cultural dislocation, delivered with vulnerability and a sly sense of humor. Tension, pressure, and release evoke Taipei’s rainy atmosphere through feel rather than specific signifiers.
Raised in New Delhi and Beijing, Simon has long been immersed in experimental music communities in Asia and beyond, through projects including the duo Hot & Cold, and Love Theme with Alex Zhang Hungtai (Last Lizard, ex-Dirty Beaches) and Austin Milne. As a solo artist he has previously released music through Goaty Tapes and France’s Je Suis Un Deontologue.
《Humid Music》 是駐台北加拿大產人類 西門·法蘭克 的最新磁帶專輯!
催眠困擾地重複,《Humid Music》一隻腳立足於電子后朋克作曲的傳統領地,另一隻腳往抽象領域邁步, 節奏採樣和人造聲塊的編排是為了與樂理邏輯的顆粒對著幹。西門 音樂的鑰匙, 是與自我衝突和文化錯置間組織出來隨風亂轉的實話,從故意示弱時露出的狡猾笑容裡一一吟唱出來。繃緊和高壓的氣氛只可以穿過感覺在雨中的台北洩漏出來,沒有辦法象形。
被新德里和北京苦養成人,西門 老早就被淹沒在亞洲和繼後的不同實驗音樂社群裡面,參與 真實人形兄弟班 Hot & Cold,與 亞歷士·張·洪泰(Last Lizard, 前 Dirty Beaches)組成的 Love Theme 和 Austin Milne 等不同音樂合作。而作為個人,西門 曾經通過 Goaty Tapes 和 法國的 Je Suis Un Deontologue 處發行他的音樂。
翻譯 - 北京海報神
100 run cassette with download code
Side A
See Self
Slow World
To Tell the Truth
Good Taste is Worthless
Side B
Raw Center
Naive and Evil
Behind the Garden
Humid Music
All songs by SIMON FRANK
Recorded in Taipei
Produced by JON DU
Art by NN
Additional vocals by TOM NG (Good Taste is Worthless) and LIU SHIPAN (Naive and Evil, Humid Music)